Client: Bionaut
Segment: Movie and TV production
Services: Social network marketing, influencer marketing, performance marketing and branding
Cooperation period: June 2021 – September 2021
Campaign name:
Shoky and Morthy: The recent big event
Promo of a new comedy movie on social networks. Considering high number of cinemagoers rate in reopened cinemas after covid lockdown, it was necessary to prepare a strong campaign to guarantee impact on the target group in relevant channels. The objective was increasing awareness of the movie and subsequent sale of tickets.
Considering the type of this movie, young people aged 13-36 were the primary target group, with the secondary target group being those in the age of their parents, and generally, older people aged 36+. The communication style was slightly different, considering the target group, however, the main focus always was on communication of humour and the friendship between starring actors Kozub and Štáfek.
When considering the target group, online advertising was the first choice. For two months, regular postings on Facebook and Instagram were made to communicate the essentials as above. The posts were always supported by paid promotion. We also had dark posts and events for individual special movie screenings on Facebook.
For the purpose of movie communication, GIFs for FB and IG were created and used in the course of communication (they could also be used by our followers and influencers involved in the campaign).
On Youtube trailers were posted and further supported by in-stream ads, shortened trailers, and funny quotes and moments from the movie were also advertised in bumpers.
The communication was extended to include Tiktok, which is a new item for the advertisers, hence, the competition was not so strong on this platform, which allowed us to obtain excellent results. At the same time, this was an extremely relevant platform for our target group (988 000 active users per month in target group 13-25 years). For the communication short before the movie premiere, prepaid top view format was used by us. Hence, our campaign was visualised for all TikTok users in the Czech Republic who opened the app on that days: Our trailer was the first ad shown just after opening the app. In this way, over 660 000 TikTok users were reached at the relevant day, and the trailer in this format was shown more than 2 200 000 times. Apart of this, the campaigns were made in the self-managed interface, where CPM could be kept at the average price of 6 CZK!
As can be seen below, our primary target group (13-24 years) is even more present on TikTok than on Facebook.
Even if Snapchat can seem to be dead in the Czech Republic, the monthly number of active users is rather impressive (690 000 – 720 000 monthly active users in target group 13-25 years). Snapchat´s strengths are effects and filters. This is why we have also created one AR effect linked up with this movie. Our AR effect was seen by 100 000 persons, it was used and shared by more than 1 300 users and store by more than 2 300 users in their apps for further use. This format was chosen by us because of its good TRP and large support of engagement and sharing.
The entire communication was supported by the influencers in Instagram, who were also invited to movie premieres. The influencers shared their outputs from these premieres in the stories. The following influencers were involved in the communication:
And the movie was also communicated by many other, almost twenty influencers, who were present at special screenings of the movie, under participation of the actors/director/producers…
Re-sharing of the communication on Leoš Mareš´s profile was a great success. The entire cooperation with the influencers was carried out without any financial support.
Totally, there were 15 682 000 visualisations of this campaign (average frequency 4) on all platforms (plus the visualisations in the outputs from the influencers).
We could acquire 2 500 fans (IG) and 6 000 followers (TikTok).
As early as 5 days after the first public performance of the movie, we had 100 000 viewers. The movie was sold on DVD and also presented in Netflix. It was also shown at the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary.