Client: BIGBOARD (Plaká
Business: sale of OOH advertising
Campaign: Performance & Branding, Social Media Management (FB and IG)
The period of cooperation: March 2017 - March 2018


Bigboard has asked LCG New Media to prepare a concept for their campaigns to increase online sales of OOH. Another goal was to raise awareness of their service, its pricing, options, benefits and uniqueness. It was also important to communicate what Plakátov actually is and how simple it is to order an OOH advertisement.


We provided Plakátov with a comprehensive management of their online presence with great emphasis on the synergy of individual steps across the platforms: Google, Sklik, Facebook, Instagram and newsletters. At the same time, we focused on creating attractive content for each campaign. All with the aim of raising awareness of the simplest form of outdoor advertising, increasing website traffic and above all, selling OOH advertising through the website. On Facebook, we created a page for Plaká, where we have built a friendly environment through a correct communication style. This environment facilitated helping and advising Czech businesses, freelancers and individuals. We regularly monitored and evaluated our activities so that the costs spent on campaign management were as effective and well targeted as possible.

Propagujte ve dne v noci! 🌃 Město nikdy nespí, a proto se vyplatí pořídit si taky osvětlený citylight. Vyberte si z...

Zveřejnil(a) dne Pátek 5. ledna 2018

Akce 3 za 2 pokračuje! Vyřešte lednovou kampaň ještě před 🎄 svátky a každý třetí billboard neplatíte! Čím víc si jich...

Zveřejnil(a) dne Čtvrtek 21. prosince 2017
Netradiční venkovní reklama

Dejte billboardům nový rozměr! Venkovní reklama, to nejsou jenom klasické plakáty. Ať už vaši kreativci 💡 vymyslí cokoli, v Plakátově dáme jejich nápadům tvar. 👉

Zveřejnil(a) dne Středa 10. ledna 2018

For social media, we went for a kind, friendly and informal style of communication. We communicated through a fictional character ‘Boy from a poster’, who connected all the visual advertising. It was he who presented the portfolio and told the users what outdoor advertising can be used for and that it was not nearly as expensive as it seemed.

In terms of the display and search campaigns, we achieved a high clickthrough rate and thus had high website traffic. Texts and images used in the advertisements were continuously monitored and modified for maximum efficiency.



We saw results immediately. In the first 3 months of the campaign (from March 2017 to May 2017), we saw a 350% increase in e-shop traffic compared to the previous period and an increase in the conversion rate of 234%. The newsletter was also very effective - the average open rate was 25.2% (at times 32%) and on average 5.7% of subscribers (at times 11.5%) clicked through to the site.

350 %

Increase in website traffic

234 %

Increase in conversion rate

32 %

Newsletter open rate

For the project Plaká, which deals with the sale of billboard advertising throughout the Czech Republic, we were looking for an agency that would be able to offer a comprehensive management of our online presence. LCG New Media did a great job and prepared a social media communication strategy, which strengthened our brand and Google Adwords performance campaigns, which increased our sales of outdoor advertising. We appreciated regular personal meetings, where the results as well as other ideas for improvement were presented to us.

Michal Tichý,
Business Development Manager
BigMedia (Bigboard group)