

Client: Festo
Business: Production and services - Automation in industry
Campaign: FB & Lin profiles (social media management), Branding, Performance
The period of cooperation: 2017 – present


We began working for the global leader in automation industry in 2017. The goal was to fundamentally change social networking and start building quality content, client relationships and bring regular information to existing and new customers. The aim was also to increase overall activity in the digital environment.


Social networks previously contained product lines and newsletters had automated product content. We decided to change this and proposed to the client several communication lines. We built them around content that is perfect for magazines - company events, case studies, and demonstrations of how they can handle individual processes through their products and solutions (this was crucial for increase in interaction and interest), education, and bionics in product areas. The bionics proved to be very interesting for the public.

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Zveřejnil(a) Festo CZ dne Pondělí 13. května 2019

Životnost jaderných reaktorů není nekonečná a je důležité se s předstihem připravit na to, že jednou doslouží. S tím...

Zveřejnil(a) Festo CZ dne Pátek 16. srpna 2019

Každá kabina jiná. Ve výrobě vozů Scania 🚛 žádný problém. Klasické kamiony, speciální vozidla pro 🚒 hasiče i auta pro...

Zveřejnil(a) Festo CZ dne Pondělí 15. října 2018

Newsletters got a completely new design. It has turned into an overview of blogs that lead to individual solutions in operation or product presentation in a comprehensive view and personalization. This raised high interaction / opening. On top of that, today customers ask us to be included in newsletters.


We've also extended campaigns to YouTube video campaigns and Google campaigns (content and search). As a result, FESTO has complex marketing, which helps to increase brand awareness as well as new orders.



The results came almost immediately. Already during the first few months we could see a dramatic impact on the increase of interventions and especially the overall engagement of the website. The newsletter opening rate has multiplied, and YouTube has achieved 60% VTR on videos through proper targeting. The overall activity has a positive impact on customer communication, company perception and orders.

The evidence that people enjoy the content is that there is minimal waste of followers over time on the networks (on the contrary, Facebook and Linkedin profiles are rising month by month) and the number of interacting people increases month by month.

604 %

Growth of engagement rate on social networks

60 %

View Through Rate (VTR) on YouTube video campaigns

35 %

Growth of open rate from 10% to 35% after change of content

Cooperation with LCG New Media is from the beginning on top level. In just one year, we were able to increase the number of people watching our posts on social networks (especially Facebook and LinkedIn) twenty times. What I also like is clearly defined workflow - agreed publishing schedule for next month, mailing the newsletters, quality of the new posts, regular meetings including discussions on new possibilities offered by social networks. Also, it not a problem to include anytime new post for current topic. This year we started collaborating also on online advertising in Google Adwords and we believe that we will be very successful in this area, too.

Ing. Václav Lacina,
Marketing Manager, FESTO, s.r.o.
