

Client: Edenred CZ s.r.o.
Business: Meal vouchers and employee benefits
Campaign: FB & LinkedIn Profiles (social media management), Performance & Branding
The period of cooperation: 2017 – present


The cooperation with Edenred started in January 2017. The main objectives were to revamp the Facebook page, to explain the benefits of the cards to a target audience, communicate the range of use of the cards and meal vouchers, to raise awareness of leisure benefits and to share other activities and new projects of Edenred.

The secondary objectives included activation of the existing fan audience and also to increase the number of fans by current users of both Edenred paper and card products, in addition to targeting such audience with specific campaigns.


When creating content for Edenred, we employed standard product posts as well as viral sharing of contest posts and tips concerning a work-life balance, healthy lifestyle and mental well-being.

Based on a detailed analysis of the client's data, we found that fans are interested in contests, cooking, food, kitchen equipment but especially in discount sites, which corresponds with their high interest in contests and prizes. During the campaign, the users could win, for example, a stay in partner facilities in various locations in the Czech Republic orpre-charged cards redeemable at Edenred partners.

Vyhrajte noc pro dvě osoby v Apartmány ČESKÝ RÁJ & Biokolna. Napište nám alespoň jedno jméno zámku nebo hradu, který se...

Zveřejnil(a) Stravenky a volnočasové benefity od Edenred dne Neděle 23. prosince 2018

Najděte na obrázku schovanou kartu Ticket Restaurant a vyhrajte jednu nabitou v hodnotě 500 Kč. Napište nám do...

Zveřejnil(a) Stravenky a volnočasové benefity od Edenred dne Středa 5. září 2018

Kam na vyvážený oběd v Praze? Vybrali jsme pro vás 5 restaurací z projektu FOOD, kde se najíte chutně a kvalitně. Přečtěte si víc v našem novém článku: http://bit.ly/Kam_na_obed_v_Praze

Zveřejnil(a) Stravenky a volnočasové benefity od Edenred dne Úterý 31. července 2018

During our cooperation we have been very successful in combining interesting and eye-catching graphics design as well as some form of game/contest as Edenred fans like to go to Facebook to enjoy themselves and ideally to take part in a contest. Below, we present a sample of posts with the highest reach and the highest number of interactions:

Najdete schovanou kartu Edenred Benefits? Napište nám, ve kterém sektoru se schovává karta Edenred Benefits a jaký...

Zveřejnil(a) Stravenky a volnočasové benefity od Edenred dne Pondělí 21. ledna 2019

Neomezená dovolená, flexibilní pracovní doba, sportovní vyžití a podpora zdraví. To jsou nejpopulárnější benefity pro...

Zveřejnil(a) Stravenky a volnočasové benefity od Edenred dne Pátek 15. února 2019

Vánoce jsou za dveřmi! Už máte nakoupené všechny dárky? Dejte nám vědět pomocí emotikonů. A nezapomeňte, že i za benefity od Edennred můžete nakoupit skvělé dárky. Třeba knihy, cestování nebo zážitky.

Zveřejnil(a) Stravenky a volnočasové benefity od Edenred dne Středa 19. prosince 2018


This strategy not only resulted in a significant decrease in negative responses, for example, due to the outdated database of locations where Edenred products are accepted (although locations are updated on an ongoing basis, the locations where cards are accepted change frequently). However, it also increased awareness about the brand and its products. At the same time, we were able to increase all monitored metrics such as organic and viral reach, interactions, etc. Among the competitors in this vertical, Edenred became the dominant player on social media.


Since the beginning of our cooperation, we saw the following results as of December 2018:

5 570 000

Facebook page views
(up 2 144 % YoY)

3 325 000

Page reach
(up 1 729 % YoY)

17 322

Post interactions
(up 257 % YoY)

We started to work with LCG in 2017 when we were discussing what to do next in terms of social media communication. This led to a long-term cooperation, which resulted in better perception of the brand by our end customers. Petra Vrbová, our main project manager, has always been helpful and inspiring. I can recommend the agency to all clients who seek to boost their brand on social media, including LinkedIn.

Michaela Číhalíková,
Marketing Communication Manager of Edenred
